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2016年11月12日 星期六

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【考托福必練】TOEFL-iBT 托福閱讀考滿分秘訣-插入句(sentence insertion)題型解題示範


本篇戴爾美語老師要為大家解說TOEFL托福iBT閱讀考試中的必考題型:插入句(sentence insertion)題型的解題技巧。有些同學留言這類題型很花時間來找答案,戴爾美語老師教你如何利用文章提供的線索快速找答案。

首先戴爾美語老師教大家插入句(sentence insertion)題型的解題技巧三大要領,同學必須找出:
(1) succession 承接    
(2) transition 轉折    
(3) pronoun 代名詞.

以下戴爾美語老師就下列篇章示範插入句(sentence insertion)題型的解題技巧: 

Perhaps the most mysterious and as yet totally understood aspect of bird migration is how birds can navigate such long distances and arrive so precisely at their destination.  Various possibilities exist.   (A)■ The most obvious explanation is that they learn the topographic features of their route.  (B)■ However, it is not feasible that this method could be used for crossing larger stretches of water or very long trips across whole continents.   (C)■ Another possible explanation is that some birds may use magnetic fields.    (D)■ Scientists have actually detected tiny crystals of magnetite in the olfactory tract of some species, and homing pigeons have been shown to follow magnetic field lines of the Earth.

Look at the four squares [(A) ■ (B)■ (C)■ (D)■] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.  Circle the letter that shows the point where you would insert this sentence.
    Over short distances the birds could recognize particular landscapes such as river
    valleys and shapes of hills. 
Where would the sentence best fit?
Click on a square (■) to add the sentence to the passage.

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【解答】 B

根據題意:Over short distances the birds could recognize particular landscapes such as river valleys and shapes of hills. 在短距離(飛行)中,鳥類能夠辨識出特殊之景象,例如河川峽谷及山丘形狀。

(A) ■ The most obvious explanation is that they learn the topographic  features of their route.  (B)■ However, it is not feasible that this method could be used for crossing larger stretches of water or very long trips across whole continents.   (C)■ Another possible explanation is that some birds may use magnetic fields.    (D)■  Scientists have actually detected tiny crystals of magnetite in the olfactory tract of some species, and homing pigeons have been shown to follow magnetic field lines of the Earth.  
正確位置為 B,前面談到 topographic (地形的) ,其後旋及轉折語氣駁斥有關地形樣貌可能性之論述。

經過戴爾美語老師解說示範,各位同學對於托福閱讀的插入句(sentence insertion)題型的解題技巧是否更為熟悉了呢?別忘了多做托福iBT TPO練習,孰能生巧喔~~

本文摘錄自Bird Migration


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